Program List - 2D Arrays

  1. Read and print a matrix
  2. Transpose of matrix
  3. Print both diagonals of a matrix
  4. Scalar matrix multiplication
  5. Find maximum and minimum in a matrix
  6. Addition and subtraction of two matrices
  7. Multiplication of two matrices
  8. Add 'N' matrices
  9. Subtract 'N' matrices
  10. Multiply 'N' matrices
  11. Find normal of a square matrix.
  12. Find trace of a matrix
  13. Perform various operations on elements of the matrix
  14. Display upper and lower triangle of the matrix
  15. Find sum of elements of upper and lower triangles of the matrix
  16. Search an element in 2D matrix
  17. Sort the matrix
  18. Sort the matrix rows and columns
  19. Interchange any two rows in a matrix
  20. Interchange any two columns in a matrix
  21. Interchange the diagonal elements of the matrix
  22. Reverse diagonals of matrix
  23. Two matrices equal or not
  24. Matrix is upper triangular or not
  25. Matrix is lower triangular or not
  26. Matrix is identity matrix or not
  27. Square matrix is symmetric or not
  28. Matrix is a sparse matrix or not
  29. Matrix is a magic square or not
  30. Matrix is orthogonal or not
  31. Matrix is toeplitz or not
  32. Matrix is involutory matrix or not.
  33. Matrix is idempotent or not.
  34. Matrix is markov or not.
  35. Matrix is Binary matrix or not
  36. Print a matrix in spiral form
  37. Print a matrix in reverse spiral form
  38. Print a matrix in counter-clockwise spiral form
  39. Print a matrix in wave form
  40. Print a matrix in snake pattern from first column
  41. Print a matrix in snake pattern from last column
  42. Print a matrix diagonally downward
  43. Print a matrix diagonally upward
  44. Print a matrix in z form
  45. Print boundary elements of the matrix
  46. Rotate a matrix by 90 degree in clockwise direction
  47. Rotate a matrix by 90 degree in anti-clockwise direction
  48. Print the mirror image of the matrix
  49. Print the mirror image of matrix across diagonal
  50. Print the water image of the matrix
  51. Sum of matrix and its mirror image
  52. Find the frequency of odd numbers and even numbers in a matrix
  53. Find the saddle point of the matrix