Two matrices equal or not

C program to check whether two matrices are equal or not.

Two matrices are said to be equal if and only if they satisfy the following conditions:
  • Both the matrices should have the same number of rows and columns.
  • Both the matrices should have the same corresponding elements.

  • Program

    #define MAX 10
    void read_matrix(int mat[MAX][MAX], int row, int col)
        int i, j;
                printf("Element [%d][%d]\t:",i,j);
    void print_matrix(int mat[MAX][MAX], int row, int col)
        int i, j;
    void equal(int mat1[MAX][MAX], int mat2[MAX][MAX], int row1, int col1)
        int i, j, flag;
        flag = 0;
                if(mat1[i][j] != mat2[i][j])
                    flag = 1;
        if(flag == 0)
            printf("\nMatrices are equal");
            printf("\nMatrices are not equal");
    void main()
        int mat1[MAX][MAX], mat2[MAX][MAX];
        int row1, col1, row2, col2;
        printf("Enter the number of rows of first matrix\t:");
        printf("Enter the number of columns of first matrix\t:");
        printf("Enter the number of rows of second matrix\t:");
        printf("Enter the number of columns of second matrix\t:");
        if(row1==row2 && col1==col2)
            printf("Enter the elements of the first matrix\n");
            read_matrix(mat1, row1, col1);
            printf("Enter the elements of the second matrix\n");
            read_matrix(mat2, row2, col2);
            printf("\nFirst matrix entered is\n");
            print_matrix(mat1, row1, col1);
            printf("\nSecond matrix entered is\n");
            print_matrix(mat2, row2, col2);
            equal(mat1, mat2, row1, col1);
            printf("\nMatrices cannot be compared");


    ********** Run1 ********** 
    Enter the number of rows of first matrix        :2
    Enter the number of columns of first matrix     :3
    Enter the number of rows of second matrix       :3
    Enter the number of columns of second matrix    :4
    Matrices cannot be compared
    ********** Run2 ********** 
    Enter the number of rows of first matrix        :2
    Enter the number of columns of first matrix     :3
    Enter the number of rows of second matrix       :2
    Enter the number of columns of second matrix    :3
    Enter the elements of the first matrix
    Element [0][0]  :1
    Element [0][1]  :2
    Element [0][2]  :3
    Element [1][0]  :4
    Element [1][1]  :5
    Element [1][2]  :6
    Enter the elements of the second matrix
    Element [0][0]  :1
    Element [0][1]  :2
    Element [0][2]  :3
    Element [1][0]  :4
    Element [1][1]  :5
    Element [1][2]  :6
    First matrix entered is
    1       2       3
    4       5       6
    Second matrix entered is
    1       2       3
    4       5       6
    Matrices are equal
    ********** Run3 ********** 
    Enter the number of rows of first matrix        :2
    Enter the number of columns of first matrix     :3
    Enter the number of rows of second matrix       :2
    Enter the number of columns of second matrix    :3
    Enter the elements of the first matrix
    Element [0][0]  :1
    Element [0][1]  :2
    Element [0][2]  :3
    Element [1][0]  :4
    Element [1][1]  :5
    Element [1][2]  :6
    Enter the elements of the second matrix
    Element [0][0]  :1
    Element [0][1]  :1
    Element [0][2]  :3
    Element [1][0]  :4
    Element [1][1]  :5
    Element [1][2]  :6
    First matrix entered is
    1       2       3
    4       5       6
    Second matrix entered is
    1       1       3
    4       5       6
    Matrices are not equal