Program List - Conditionals
- Greater of two numbers
- Even or Odd
- Even or odd using ternary (conditional) operator
- character is vowel or not
- Vowel or not using conditional (ternary) operator
- Leap year or not
- Whether the triangle is equilateral, scalene or isosceles
- Triangle is valid or not
- Three digit number is armstrong number or not
- Number is divisible by second number or not
- Greatest of three numbers using else-if ladder
- Greatest of three numbers using nested if-else
- Greatest of three numbers using conditional (ternary) operator
- Number entered is positive, negative or zero using else-if ladder
- Number entered is positive, negative or zero using nested if-else
- Reverse of a three digit number and check for palindrome
- Greater of two numbers using ternary (conditional) operator
- Roots of a quadratic equation
- Three digit number problem
- Convert uppercase to lowercase and vice versa
- Find the coordinate in which the point (x,y) lies
- Entered time is valid or not
- Character is a digit, alphabet or special symbol
- Absolute value of a number
- Three points on straight line or not
- Point lies inside, outside or on the circle
- Profit or loss
- Convert temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa
- Number of days in a month
- Area of various shapes