Program List - Basics
- Print "Hello World"
- Arithmetic operations on two integer numbers
- Simple Interest
- Swap 2 numbers using third variable
- Swap 2 numbers without using third variable
- ASCII value of a character
- Cube of an integer
- Cube of an integer using pow() function
- x raised to the power of y
- Second order Quadratic Equation
- sizeof() operator
- Calculate Aggregate marks and Percentage marks
- Calculate Area and Perimeter of the rectangle
- Calculate the Area and Circumference of the circle
- Sum of digits of five digit number
- Reverse of a five digit number
- Sum of first and last digit of a four digit number
- Find total number of illiterate men and women
- Convert temperature in Fahrenheit to Centigrade
- Find cost price of one item
- Add 1 to each digit of a five digit number
- Find the number of currency notes required
- Convert distance in km to meters, feets, inches and centimeters
- Calculate gross salary
- Calculate month salary of an employee
- Convert specified days into years, weeks and days
- Distance between two points
- Find the third angle of a triangle
- Convert integer (in seconds) to hr, min and sec
- Read formatted time through scanf()