Add 1 to each digit of a five digit number

If a five-digit number is input through the keyboard, write a program in C to print a new number by adding one to each of its digits. For example if the number that is input is 12391 then the output should be displayed as 23402.


void main()
    long int num, add_num;
	int digit, next;

	printf("Enter the 5 digit number\t:");

	//1st digit
	digit = (num/10000)%10;
	next = (digit+1)%10;
	add_num = next;
	//2nd digit
	digit = (num/1000)%10;
	next = (digit+1)%10;
	//3rd digit
	digit = (num/100)%10;
	next = (digit+1)%10;
	//4th digit
	digit = (num/10)%10;
	next = (digit+1)%10;
	//5th digit
	digit = num%10;
	next = (digit+1)%10;

	printf("After Addition your number %ld becomes %ld",num,add_num);



Enter the 5 digit number     :25699
After Addition your number 25699 becomes 36700


A five digit number is taken as an input from the user in the variable named 'num'. %ld is the format specifier used for long int data type. A variable named 'add_num' is used to carry the number after adding 1 to each of its digit.

The logic used is as follows:
take out the first (leftmost) digit of the number.
Give it to variable 'digit'.
add 1 to the digit and then modulo it by 10.
If the digit is 9, then adding 1 to it gives 10.
But, we need 0 instead of 10.
So, for this after adding 1 to the digit, modulo operation with 10 is performed as 10 % 10 = 0.
any number from 1 to 9 modulo 10 will give the number itself
assign this value to add_num.
Take out the 2nd digit from left.
Give it to variable 'digit'.
add 1 to the digit and then modulo it by 10.
Now multiply add_num by 10 and add this new digit to it.
Do this till the last digit.

Let us understand this with the help of an example:
Let, num = 25699

digit = (num/10000)%10;
next = (digit+1)%10;
add_num = next;
digit = (25699/10000)%10 = 2 % 10 = 2
next = (2+1)%10 = 3 % 10 = 3
add_num = 3
digit = (num/1000)%10;
next = (digit+1)%10;
add_num = (add_num*10)+next;
digit = (25699/1000)%10 = 25 % 10 = 5
next = (5+1)%10 = 6 % 10 = 6
add_num = (3*10)+6 = 36
digit = (num/100)%10;
next = (digit+1)%10;
add_num = (add_num*10)+next;
digit = (25699/100)%10 = 256 % 10 = 6
next = (6+1)%10 = 7 % 10 = 7
add_num = (36*10)+7 = 367
digit = (num/10)%10;
next = (digit+1)%10;
add_num = (add_num*10)+next;
digit = (25699/10)%10 = 2569 % 10 = 9
next = (9+1)%10 = 10 % 10 = 0
add_num = (367*10)+0 = 3670
digit = num%10;
next = (digit+1)%10;
add_num = (add_num*10)+next;
digit = 25699 % 10 = 9
next = (9+1)%10 = 10 % 10 = 0
add_num = (3670*10)+0 = 36700

add_num = 36700