Arithmetic operations on two integer numbers

C program to perform all arithmetic operations on two integer numbers.


void main()
    int num1, num2;
    int add, sub, mul, mod, div_integer;
    float div_float;

    printf("Enter any two numbers: ");
    scanf("%d%d", &num1, &num2);

    add = num1 + num2;
    sub = num1 - num2;
    mul = num1 * num2;
    div_integer = num1 / num2;
    div_float = (float)num1 / num2;
    mod = num1 % num2;

    printf("Addition = %d\n", add);
    printf("Subtraction = %d\n", sub);
    printf("Multiplication = %d\n", mul);
    printf("Integer Quotient = %d\n", div_integer);
    printf("Floating Quotient = %f\n", div_float);
    printf("Modulus = %d", mod);



Enter any two numbers: 8
Addition = 11
Subtraction = 5
Multiplication = 24
Integer Quotient = 2
Floating Quotient = 2.666667
Modulus = 2


The above program performs basic arithmetic operations which are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus of two numbers. Numbers are assumed to be positive integers and are entered by a user. The numbers entered are read using scanf() statement.

In C language, when we divide two integers, we get an integer quotient as a result, for example, 5/2 evaluates to 2. As a general rule,
integer/integer = integer
float/integer = float and
integer/float = float.
So, in statement div_float = (float)num1 / num2;, num1 is typecasted to float before the divide operation, to avoid integer division.

'%' operator known as modulo operator is used to perform the modulus operation on two positive integers and returns the remainder after division of one number by another. For example, 5 % 2 = 1 and 8 % 2 = 0.