Convert distance in km to meters, feets, inches and centimeters

The distance between two cities (in km.) is input through the keyboard. Write a program in C to convert and print this distance in meters, feet, inches and centimeters.


void main()
    double km;

	printf("Enter the distance in kilo meters\t:");

	printf("\nDistance in Meters is         = %lf",1000*km);
	printf("\nDistance in Feet is           = %lf",3280.84*km);
	printf("\nDistance in inches is         = %lf",39370.08*km);
	printf("\nDistance in Centi Meters is   = %lf",100000*km);



Enter the distance in kilo meters       :4

Distance in Meters is         = 4000.000000
Distance in Feet is           = 13123.360000
Distance in inches is         = 157480.320000
Distance in Centi Meters is   = 400000.000000


In this program, distance is taken as an input from the user in variable named 'km'. %lf is the format specifier for double data type.

conversion formulas from kilometer to meters, feet, inches and centimeters are as follows:
meter = 1000 * km
feet = 3280.84 * km
inches = 39370.08 * km
centimeter = 100000 * km

Instead of storing the result in variables and then printing its value, calculations are done inside printf() statement itself and result is printed.
printf("\nDistance in Meters is = %lf",1000*km);
printf("\nDistance in Feet is = %lf",3280.84*km);
printf("\nDistance in inches is = %lf",39370.08*km);
printf("\nDistance in Centi Meters is = %lf",100000*km);
Here, first of all, calculation is performed and is replaced by the value obtained. And then, that value is printed.